Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code


Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – In this digital age, technology is being introduced into our children’s classrooms more and more with every academic year. So far, it has helped to tackle some of the main challenges faced by the education sector, including reducing teacher’s workload, increasing efficiency, improving children’s engagement levels, and increasing accessibility and inclusion within the classroom.

As coding begins to take an established role within schools across the country, we wanted to explore the advantages it can have for children.

Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code


Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – Coding provides children with the ability to solve problems, which is a fundamental skill that they can take with them into adult life, applying this to daily adversities that may arise. Learning to code gives children the chance to recognise and harness problem-solving skills, helping to prepare them for the future. Whilst we know that maths may not be your child’s favourite subject, coding also provides a unique opportunity to view maths in a new and exciting way – by making it fun! If you want to give this a go at home, Raspberry Pi kits are a great way to get started.

Communication Skills

Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – Coding isn’t just about learning a new language, a large part of it entails planning and organising information on a webpage. Coding requires children to consider how the information they are building will be portrayed. This helps them to cement essential communication skills, by encouraging them to explain how their creation works to family and friends.


Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – One of the best parts about coding within schools is that it can give children the opportunity to collaborate with fellow classmates, allowing them to work together to achieve their overall goal. This allows children to discuss their ideas and listen to one another, whilst in the process of working out how to complete different codes. Listening skills and teamwork are important transferable skills that your child can take into adult life.


Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – Lots of us wrongly assume that coding is heavily technical and has little room for creativity – but this isn’t the case! Coding for web pages or video games provides endless scope for innovation. From choosing colours and fonts when designing web pages, to creating a whole world within a game that is entirely customisable, coding can be the perfect tool to unlock the colourful imagination of our children.

Confidence Building

Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code – Last but not least, we feel it’s important to mention how all of the above combined leads to confidence building within young children. Coding might be quite daunting to start with, but with good teamwork, problem-solving and a sprinkle of creativity, a huge sense of achievement can be gained when children see the success of their results. It gives children something out of the ordinary from their usual daily subjects which they can get excited about! Whether they choose to code alone tackling the challenge by themselves, or in groups of peers as a team, coding teaches our children that with hard work and persistence, they can bring their exciting visions to life.

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