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What Strategy Should Be Adopted to Crack the SBI PO Exam In 4 Months?


SBI PO exam is one of the most sought after exams for which lakhs of candidates apply. However, to crack the SBI PO exam, it is highly important to have a good strategy that will help you in clearing the exam.

What Strategy Should Be Adopted to Crack the SBI PO Exam In 4 Months

The SBI PO exam consists of three stages, Prelims, Mains and Interview & GD. The candidates need to qualify each stage subsequently to be appointed as SBI PO. In this article, we have shared the important tips and tricks that will help you in qualifying the exam in 4 months time.

How to Crack SBI PO Exam in 4 Months?

  1. Focus on general awareness: This section can give you an edge over the others. Follow the news every day and keep track of current affairs for 100 days before the exam. Studying general knowledge topics such as currencies, capital cities, international organisations and their locations, etc. can help you score in the exam.
  2. Banking Awareness: Watch videos about the latest banking rules and regulations or read FAQs available on the RBI website. BYJU’s Exam Prep is one of the best sources that guide you in exam preparation through online courses, test series, mock tests and more study materials and notes. You must visit website to discover more features.
  3. Focus on English: Reading newspapers or grammar books can be very helpful in scoring high marks in the banking exams. Most candidates avoid this section, but you can score high marks with minimum preparation.
  4. Practice mock tests: Practising mock tests, sample papers, previous years’ question papers is the best way to get accustomed to the exam pattern and increase speed and accuracy.
  5. Focus on reasoning and data interpretation: You will need to practice to get better at answering such questions as they require more time and presence of mind. You can look for books and mock tests available online.
  6. Have basic knowledge of computers: Learn as much as possible about computers, the internet, operating system functions and MS Office.
  7. Work on communication skills: When you clear the exams and qualify for the interview round, you must speak with confidence. You must appear humble and practice being a good speaker and listener.
  8. Develop a problem-solving mindset: Candidates who attempt to solve problems and show leadership qualities are more likely to get selected in the final round. Such qualities are valued in the banking sector.
  9. Present yourself effectively: The way you present yourself determines how people perceive you. Your body language and manner of speaking have to exude confidence and the ability to deal with tough situations.
  10. Study the entire syllabus: Knowing the kind of topics covered in the exam will help you prepare better. Make a timetable and stick to it so that it can help you cover all the topics systematically. To know more about the SBI PO exam, refer to BYJU’S Exam Prep, where you can find everything you need to prepare for the exam.

The SBI PO exam is one of the most prestigious banking exams in India. The benefits of passing this exam are immense, and therefore, candidates should try their very best to clear the exam. The tips mentioned in this article will surely prove helpful to anyone preparing for the SBI PO exam.

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