How To Write A Winning Fiction Book


Fictional books are exciting. Writing these books is an adventurous undertaking. It involves your creativity. You must unleash your imaginative potential. You need to be artistic. It allows you to create innovative characters. Thus, if you are so much into creativity, this is the right genre for you. Cultivate your fiction writing skills. Your dedication is needed. Use short sentences. Hire the right freelance science fiction book illustrators. Leverage suspense when writing fiction stories. The following are the top skills you need to write an exceptional fiction book.

How To Write A Winning Fiction Book
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Be Passionate

Focus on what you’re passionate about. You could be having a list of ideas, but it’s always better to concentrate on what you love most. Make that idea a priority. Most authors come up with the best stories when they’re deeply rooted in their themes and characters.

Create Suspense

Don’t disclose everything to your readers. Instead, give them only what they need at that time. Just give them a tip. All the other supporting details should remain disclosed. This will keep your readers interested and alert. They’ll keep reading to find out what happens next. Plus, they’ll utilize their imaginative thoughts to fill in any blanks.

Simple Language

Keep your sentences short and precise. You can still use dense words to make brief descriptions. Simply tell your story. Always use succinct language to communicate your story points. Each sentence should have a clear purpose.

Combine Different Styles

Utilize different writing styles. Try different forms of writing. Mix fiction with nonfiction. You can as well opt for a more casual or novelist writing style. Different writing styles create different points of view. There are numerous styles out there that can improve your overall writing skills.


Make it a habit to write regularly. Dedicate more time to your writing. If possible, assign yourself a daily word count. Set your own goals. Of course, some days will be better than others.

The more you indulge in writing, the more proficient you’ll become. Your comprehension skills will keep improving every day. Make it a habit to write a few pieces daily. Writing fiction stories is adventurous. It’s an exciting journey that opens your mind to the imagination. You can’t possibly get bored writing creative stories.

Set Milestones

Writing a novel isn’t always a simple task. You’ll have to write at least 75,000 words. And this can be extremely tedious. If you aren’t patient enough, novel writing can make you feel intimidated. As a first-time writer, it’s important to set milestones.

This will help you stay motivated. Break your book into several sections. This will simplify the process a bit and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. But what happens if you don’t have the skill to write a book or don’t have the time to do it? Today, a considerable amount of what you see is ghostwritten, and with a ghostwriter, it’s still your expertise, processed into a more polished form. So, if this is the case, consider hiring a ghostwriter to write your book.


Review your storyline. Make sure you clearly understand your story structure. As a professional writer, you should know how to create a compelling framework that’ll propel your book through the rising action, climax, as well as, falling action. List down your plots and subplots before you get started.

Character Development

Enhance your character development skills. Learn effective ways of creating a unique character arch. Make sure that your main characters have a powerful backstory that justifies their actions and motivations. Decide which point of view you should stick to. This should inform the character’s understanding of events.

Active Voice

As an author, you should be a page-turner. Your book should keep the readers captivated and engaged. Your book should keep the audience engaged from the beginning to the end. Use the right voice when narrating your story. Limit your use of passive voice.

Take Breaks

Take a break. Go out there and get some fresh air. If possible, exercise a little bit. This will get your blood flowing. Changing the environment can ignite new ideas. Once you’ve refreshed your mind, continue writing.

Avoid Jargon

Stick to what’s important. Don’t write too much jargon. Avoid those lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Ditch those unnecessary characters and chapters. Being a writer means having the ability to edit out unnecessary information.

But if you feel that the material you erased is important, you can as well build a different story around it.

Read Widely

Reading widely will expand your knowledge base. Go through great writing to hone your writing skills. If you’re writing a novel, read other novels that show how to create plot points

Write To Sell

Don’t just think about your passion. As a writer, you also need to adopt the same approach as publishers. Approach your writing with marketing in mind. Think of a way to make your book sell. Remember, writing is also a business. If you take it seriously, you can make good money out of it.


Don’t spend a lot of time rewriting as you type. Instead, practice freewriting. This is an incredible strategy that allows you to release your ideas uninterrupted. Once you’re done freewriting you can work on the editing.

Get Feedback

Ask a trusted person to go through your manuscript. Let them give you an honest view of your work. Third-party opinions will help you determine what’s relevant and what isn’t. Encourage them to be frank about their suggestions. If there’s something wrong, then they should tell you about it.

Traditional Publishing

Don’t just write for yourself. Envision how the story would impact your life if you were the reader. Find a reputable literary agent to work with. They’ll connect you with renowned publishing houses. You may also want to consider self-publishing your book.


Prologues can be annoying. Your readers want to figure out certain things for themselves. So, avoid providing detailed explanations about places, characters, or events. Prologues can piss off your readers.

The Bottom-Line

Are you a fiction writer? Well, it’s important to know that fiction is different from non-fiction. The above article pinpoints top strategies that can assist you to create powerful fiction stories. Keep your sentence short. Mix different styles. Create suspense and get feedback. Ensure that you are consistent throughout your writing. Don’t ignore structural issues. They can affect your writing. All these will keep your story flowing.

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