How Does VPS Hosting Improve Website Page Speed?


You should always question the whys of making this or that choice. The choice of the right hosting solution is not an exception. In a nutshell, Virtual Private Server is the solution that provides you with a broad variety of advantages, combining a decent level of performance and stability with a relatively affordable price, which is the perfect middle between dedicated hosting and shared hosting. We can dedicate numerous articles to the advantages and specificities of the best vps hosting, and today we want to break down a particular one – the page load speed.

How Does VPS Hosting Improve Website Page Speed?
Image by u_fg0tkeqgiy from Pixabay

What is page loading speed and why is it important?

Page load speed designates the time required by a webpage to fully load. When browsing the internet, you might have never paid attention to the speed at which pages load. If this is the case with you that means that probably have so far been mostly dealing with pages that do load fast. Therefore you, thinking now of page load speed, might have never thought that the difference of a few seconds is really a big deal. But it is, and you would notice it immediately.

We live in the hi-tech world of high standards of comfort, which we often take for granted until we unexpectedly have to deal with lower standards of comfort. The page load speed is one of such thing. We don’t pay attention to it while it’s OK, but once it reduces to, say, 3 seconds, we start to feel angry and eager to leave the page we were about to visit, to search for another website that will provide a more comfortable user experience. Regardless of the quality of services that you may provide, page load speed is the first thing to be experienced by your potential customers, and if it suffers, they aren’t very likely to put up with it.

This psychology of an average internet user is also taken into consideration by the search engines, so they tend to rank down the pages with low speed. They even have certain prescriptions of how fast the pages are to load – that is, no more than three seconds – and if the rates are lower, the pages are ranked down automatically.

The page load speed depends in many ways on the quality of hosting, and therefore VPS is the hosting of quality that can provide you with it.

How does VPS affect the page loading speed?

Your website is hosted on a server, be it shared hosting, dedicated hosting, or VPS hosting. That means that your site runs due to the physical capacities that you rent and the way they are used has a direct impact on the performance of your website, including the page loading.

That is what determines the main feature of VPS hosting. The problem with shared hosting, for example, is that there are not strictly regulated hardware resource allocations, because of what your performance is always dependent on your neighbors. If you have too many neighbors and some of the suddenly require more resources than usual, this can have a negative impact on your site’s performance, causing in particular your page load speed to decrease.

On the other hand, using a dedicated server you wouldn’t face such a problem, because there are literally no neighbors there. But dedicated servers are expensive while the resources they provide often exceed the needs of an average customer needing to host a small website, a blog, or small e-commerce. A virtual private server is a technology that, lifting up the differences, provides a perfect synthesis of both solutions described above. On the one hand, you share the piece of physical, saving money and opting for a small to intermediate amount of resources required for projects of smaller scales, and, on the other hand, the resources on it are dedicated. This is provided by the virtualization technology: due to special software, physical software is divided into even parts, with a fixed amount of RAM, CPU, storage, and their own operating system, creating “virtual servers” in this way, which makes sure that the performance of the website remains stable all the way around.

What else affects the page loading speed of the website?

Other than hosting there are factors to be taken into consideration, too. These are the quality of how the site is written, the optimization of the content of the site, whether the applications on the sites are not too heavy, whether there are not too many features, etc.

The performance of the site depends on many factors, and if you are suffering from reduced performance, you should probably check what’s wrong with WebPageTest. But, regardless of whether your site is well optimized or not, it won’t work well without a good hosting solution, a VPS, or a dedicated server offered by a reliable hosting provider. If you are just looking for one, make sure to check Hostzealot hosting which we personally recommend. We hope that this article has made things clear for you, thank you for your attention, and take care!

Learn more about VPS and Website Page Speed:


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