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Best Gadgets For Everyday Use


Smart gadgets are here to make our life easier, but many people don’t know what exists on the market. Many small items cost a few bucks but can be very useful, and in most cases, you can order them online. This is why you should check for new gadgets from time to time on major online shops like Amazon or Aliexpress.

Best Gadgets For Everyday Use

You need to take care when buying online because many products are just bad quality. It can be like an online casino where you don’t know if you made the right choice, but there are a few ways you can figure out if something does work. Always check the reviews and where the product was made so you can get something worth the price.

Smart Shower Head

Most people don’t think about the quality of their shower heads, but there are some on the market which are very useful. Everyone likes to listen to music when they are taking a shower, and now you can do that without placing your phone near the shower. This is very useful when you consider that changing a song can be dangerous.

These shower heads have a waterproof speaker where you can play your favorite song. The speaker attaches to the shower head, meaning it’s quite easy to remove and charge it. The prices are usually around $100 or $200, depending on the quality and brand.

Smart Toothbrush

Even if you only have a smartwatch, you probably know how useful it can be if you don’t want to spend your whole day on the phone. Taking calls and messages has never been easier, but what if you can use smart technology for health purposes. The price isn’t very high because they last longer than other toothbrushes.

A smart toothbrush uses Bluetooth to connect to your mobile device, giving you insights into your brushing habits. This is very useful for your teeth because you may forget to brush them if your day is busy. It will also provide information about how you do it and how long it should last.

Smart Curtain Robot

Daily sunlight is very important for our brain, and we need to be exposed to it, especially in the morning, so we can have a nice day afterward. The curtain robot is meant to move the curtain depending on a few factors. You can set the timer when you want to get exposed to the sunlight in the morning.

There is also an option to let the robot determine how much sleep you need and when is the perfect time to get up. This is probably the better option because we tend to oversleep a lot, and it’s hard to get used to getting up early, but it’s very beneficial.

Robot Vacuum

Robot vacuums have existed for a long time, but many homes still don’t have them. The problem with vacuuming yourself is that you are constantly in a bad posture which is bad for your back. You will also save a lot of time by letting the robot do everything on its own, but you have to pay the price.

They are more expensive than conventional vacuums, and the price can range from $300 up to $1500. Everything depends on the model and how strong it is, but it is a good investment if you maintain it properly. Robot technology is the next big thing, and most of our chores will be done by them.

Smart Mirror

Another big thing that you can get on any big online store is a smart mirror. A great thing about it is that it shows news or anything that is important for you to check during the day. It’s easy to clean, and you won’t damage it that easily, even if it’s a screen. Some Chinese versions cost around $200, but there are also more expensive options worth a couple of thousand.

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