Home AI AI and Cloud Computing: Present and Future

AI and Cloud Computing: Present and Future


The cloud is here to stay. There’s no doubt about it. Even if you’re reading this article on a desktop or laptop, you’re probably connected to the cloud via a network cable. You may use a laptop, desktop, smartphone, wearable tech, or even a smart fridge or vacuum cleaner to access information, and all of that processing is being handled in the cloud. Whether you use Apple, Android, or even Windows, this is the future of technology. With that being said, the cloud is in a bit of a battle right now. Let’s have a brief discussion about what an AI cloud platform is and how it can change with the use of the cloud.

Cloud Computing – Current Situation

You can be forgiven for not yet knowing exactly what to make of the cloud. Like all things IT-related, it sounds scary, expensive, and a little confusing. But it’s actually a very simple concept — everything you do on the Internet is stored in the cloud.

The cloud is everywhere. Most of the time, if you’re using the Internet, it’s in the cloud. Google’s servers take care of processing your search results; Facebook’s servers do all the heavy lifting for its site, and Flickr handles the picture hosting for your Flickr account. Your email is handled by someone else’s servers, as well as the sites where you do your online shopping. Everything, in the end, is moving through the cloud.

AI and Cloud Computing: Present and Future

When you’re not using the Internet, you probably don’t think of the cloud much. All of your personal data is stored on your computer’s hard drive, right? It can’t go anywhere else because you don’t even know it’s there, right? Well, that’s not like this. All of the data you would store on your hard drive is now stored somewhere else, in the cloud, for free, for you.

Artificial Intelligence – Current Situation

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. Whether the AI revolution brings peace to the world or destroys it is a matter of perspective. However, the impact that it will have on your job, as well as the job of every human being on the planet, is a given as this field continues to advance.

The technology that will shape the future of computing may be something we can’t even imagine yet, but it’s here. Artificial intelligence is being integrated into more and more industries and more and more everyday activities. From self-driving cars to self-diagnosing X-rays to automated manufacturing, artificial intelligence is shaping and reshaping the future of technology.

Now it’s becoming more and more relevant to the rest of us. AI technology will affect us in different industries, and the impact it will have on our daily lives is just huge. We’ll soon know what our future selves will be able to do, thanks to a combination of technological advancement and advanced artificial intelligence.

What Are the Future Perspectives?

Cloud computing is one of the hottest topics in information technology nowadays. The future of AI and cloud computing will create a significant shift in the IT industry. AI in the cloud can give an industry a great boost and accelerate the transformation of many businesses.

The impact of the combination of AI and cloud computing could be enormous, according to a recent report by Gartner. According to the report data, the combination of cloud computing and AI “represents a shift away from the monolithic applications of the traditional ‘cloud computing’ paradigm towards highly-intelligent solutions that enable us to achieve things that we never imagined possible, as well as enabling us to do things much faster.”

The report also added that the “Big Four” technology predictions for 2024 were:

  • 5G, as it becomes a mainstream communications system, will power everything from intelligent road vehicles to smart cities and everything in between. But a lack of standardized 5G hardware and software will create the next big mobile technology gap;

  • Big Data continues to disrupt how people and businesses interact and perform in 2022 and 2024. As the analytics ecosystem evolves, we will move toward AI-powered data management and AI-powered data monetization;

  • As AI becomes ubiquitous and its value is recognized, applications will emerge that take advantage of how AI can be applied to almost any problem to create value;

  • AI and machine learning will be used increasingly in business-to-business (B2B) solutions and in industrial IoT, enabling a host of new market opportunities.

By 2024, most consumer and enterprise end users will use multiple devices, both at home and on the move, which will create additional business opportunities, especially in areas such as smart cities, transportation, healthcare, education, and the Internet of Things.

Although cloud computing is a hot topic, adoption of cloud services remains fairly low at the moment. The thing is that many enterprises and small businesses are not aware that a cloud service is an option for them. And that’s expected to change soon since cloud computing and AI will be used to develop intelligent solutions for everyday business. This will enable us to do things that we never imagined possible, such as:

  • Streamline services and processes;

  • Develop and optimize operations;

  • Create new services and solutions;

  • Ensure the security of information and communications;

  • Empower users to work faster.

All in all, the future of cloud computing and AI is just as huge, and this disruption is not slowing down. According to Gartner, one in every three organizations will be using cloud-based AI by 2024, and that’s just the beginning. Artificial intelligence and cloud computing will be an integral component of an enterprise experience. Companies will increasingly use AI systems to enhance their daily interactions with each other. In the next ten years, the new technology will propel the powers of language translation and augmented creativity, bringing a new dimension into digital transformation.

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