6 Reasons It’s Important To Provide Patrons A Secure Website If You Own An Online Shop


If you own an online shop, you know how important it is to have a secure website. Your website is the foundation of your business, and without a secure site, you are putting your business at risk. This article will go through six reasons why a safe website is critical for your online business, including the differences between HTTP vs. HTTPS.

6 Reasons It's Important To Provide Patrons A Secure Website If You Own An Online Shop
Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay


The first and most obvious reason you need a secure website is for security purposes. A secure HTTPS site helps to protect your customers’ information from cybercriminals. Customers who purchase on your site enter their personal and financial information into your system. This information is then stored in your database. If your website is insecure, hackers can easily access this information and use it for identity theft or other fraudulent activities.


To have a secure website, you need to have an SSL certificate. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, the protocol that provides communication security over the internet. HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. When you visit a website, your browser displays HTTP or HTTPS in the URL bar. If the site is secure, it will say HTTPS. You can also tell if a site is protected if there is a padlock icon next to the URL in the browser.

So, when considering HTTP vs. HTTPS, the answer is that HTTPS is more secure because it uses SSL to encrypt communication between the server and the browser. This means that hackers cannot intercept and read the data being transmitted.

In short, you need a secure website to protect your customers’ information from cybercriminals. A secure site will also give your customers confidence in your business and build trust.


A secure website protects you from data breaches and helps build trust with your consumers. People are more likely to purchase from a secure website than one that is not. When people see that you have taken the time and effort to invest in security, they will be more likely to trust you with their personal information.

A study from Harvard Business Review proved that customers choose what to purchase online largely depending on trust. If you provide a secure website that meets these trust factors, you will be more likely to convert visitors into paying customers.

Brand Reputation

Your website is a reflection of your brand. If your site is insecure, people will associate your brand with being insecure and untrustworthy. This can damage your reputation and hurt your bottom line.

If your customers’ information is stolen, it might reflect poorly on your company. People may not want to buy from you anymore because they don’t trust that their information will be safe. In the event of a data breach, you could also be held liable. This means that you could be sued for damages. This can harm your business and ruin the hard work you have put into building your brand.

It is crucial to have a secure website to protect your brand reputation. A secure site will show your customers that you take their security seriously and are committed to providing a safe online experience. This will help to build trust with your customers and could lead to more sales in the future.

Search Engine Ranking

Google and other search engines take website security very seriously. They factor safety into their algorithms when determining search engine rankings. If your site is not secure, you could be penalized with lower search engine rankings, leading to fewer people finding your website when they search for keywords related to your business.

Google has made it clear that they prefer websites that use HTTPS. They are now using HTTPS as a ranking signal. This is because Google wants to ensure its users have a safe online experience. When people visit a website that is not secure, they risk being hacked or having their personal information stolen. Google doesn’t want this to happen, so it rewards websites that use HTTPS with higher search engine rankings.


Depending on your business type, you may be required to have a secure website to comply with industry regulations. For example, to sell products that need customer information to be collected (such as credit card numbers), you must have a secure site to process these transactions safely and comply with PCI DSS standards.

Not complying with these regulations can lead to hefty fines. In some cases, you could even be banned from doing business online. This is why it is essential to ensure your website is secure if you plan on collecting sensitive information from your customers.


Many insurance companies now offer discounts and incentives to businesses with secure websites. This is because insurers realize interactions with safe sites are less likely to experience data breaches or other cyber-related damages.

Sometimes, you may even be required to have a secure website to qualify for certain types of insurance. This is another reason why ensuring your site is up-to-date and compliant with all security standards is essential.


Online shops must provide a secure website for many reasons. Not only does providing a secure site help with brand reputation and search engine rankings, but it can also lead to increased sales.

In addition, complying with industry regulations and securing your website against cyber-attacks can save you money in the long run. Ensure your website is up-to-date with all security measures so you can rest assured that your customer’s information is safe.

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