Home SEO 5 SEO success stories to inspire your 2021 strategy

5 SEO success stories to inspire your 2021 strategy


Search Engine Optimization is said to be the most complex and frustrating discipline in digital marketing. It’s saturated with a seemingly endless stream of tips, tricks, and hacks. However, despite all this noise, several fundamental SEO elements have remained constant for years and will continue to matter in the future.

They are your foundation on which to build your SEO strategy. Constantly focus on them, and you’ll enjoy consistent success in SEO, no matter the trend. But even as the years go by, there are some enduring principles in SEO that you can always fall back on. Keep learning, of course, but focus on the fundamentals: link building, social networking, content creation, analytics – and most importantly, marketing SEO to your customers.

It’s ideal to seek the support of a professional SEO company to identify your focus points so that you can turn your business strategy into an SEO success story too.

SEO Success Stories to inspire your 2021 strategy

SEO is never really stagnant. New tools and techniques seem to be popping up every day. But the fundamental principles of SEO have always stayed the same, regardless of the recent developments. Here are some great examples of real SEO success stories.

1)    Hugo Boss Story- Increase in Website traffic by 3000%

Hugo Boss uses an online marketing strategy that combines analytical work with a strict campaign structure. Research is conducted online, and the extensive knowledge-base allows us to process, coordinate and implement all SEO activities. In addition, successful annual campaigns are built into the company’s performance reports.

Source: Hugo Boss SEO
Source: Hugo Boss SEO

The Christmas Snow Wallpaper campaign for their fragrances was a significant turning point for the website.  They placed the keyword “Snow Christmas Wallpaper” high in the Google rankings. This keyword had never been used on such a large scale before in this conjunction. This was one of the reasons for this success. They also optimized each page of their navigation which brought these phrases into the Google top five.

How might a Christmas Snow Wallpaper be an opportunity? It’s seasonal and content that won’t be around for much longer. Using this, brand owners can create time-sensitive links from many different sites, referring to their product. In this case, a snowflake wallpaper and its mirror image. In SEO, this is called a “Landing Page” or, in other words, a Page where users are redirected after downloading the file.

With this massive campaign, the Hugo Boss website witnessed an instant spike in the traffic and an uphill climb of 3000% during November and December.

2) Ford Motor Company-SEO Research discovered innovation

Ford Motors decided to put its “might” behind the one industry that will never lose its importance, and that is the web. This has meant a network of sites aimed at harnessing the power of social media by acquiring endorsements from influential individuals in their respective blogs and other platforms.

Ford used the power of SEO to create an online forum where people would feel compelled to share their experiences with Ford’s new cars with like-minded people.

The company’s goal was to increase its brand awareness and reputation in the automotive community on the Internet. With the Ford Fan Award, they had built a robust framework with an increase in reputation and brand awareness.

The social media campaign enhanced Ford’s online presence, increased brand awareness, and improved search engine rankings.

3)  PwC-Power of Research

Social media has become a powerful platform to discover new products, services, and trends. PwC identified an opportunity to capture the engagement of future trends while they are still in their infancy – before they go mainstream and reach full saturation. To do this, they needed Social Listening tools that could measure impact, sentiment, and popularity with a granular level of insight.

Source: PwC SEO

They conducted in-depth market research, analyzing consumer behavior and trends affecting them. By segmenting the audiences, listening tools were used to track conversations. Then insights were developed through responses from the discussions.

Hence, PwC could identify future trends that would shape the audience’s thinking, which led to the foundation of future content marketing activities.

4) Inspire Energy-Customer Journey Analysis

The Customer Journey Audit is a holistic website audit that provides insights into the customer’s journey throughout the website and its associated devices. Analyzing the site’s structure, content quality, and user behavior were identified as crucial factors influencing rankings.

The Business’ SEO team provided recommendations for improving the website on-page optimization and completed Thematic Keyword Research. This resulted in a 150% increase in SERP rankings for all target keywords within two months.’

Source: Inspire Energy SEO

A/B testing is a great way to quickly determine what elements of your website are essential for conversion. With the right tools, it’s easy to quantify how much an element contributes to conversions and see if it’s worth tampering with.

Despite competitors’ efforts in the energy market, Inspire Energy managed to get ahead of their competition by improving the customer journeys and optimizing their website.

5) Unique Solar-A stunning PPC Campaign

Unlike many organizations, Unique Solar was searching for a way to market to potential residential solar clients cost-effective, accurate, and time-efficient. After readying themselves for the challenge, Unique Solar decided to utilize local pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns for the first time in their company’s history to tackle this problem.

Once they built the wireframe, it was time to begin the PPC Campaign. The team conducted another Competitive Research looking at the bidding strategy of top competitors. It helped them identify what they needed to bid to get first page rankings for the most relevant keywords.

The Unique Solar Campaign is an excellent example of invaluable PPC management services. The company was able to improve its online visibility and ranking position. The intention was to build an Artistic Brand with a strong persuasive message to be recognized by clients looking for a reliable company working for sustainability.

Wrapping Up

Nowadays, we have armies of professionals working in the field. Brands flock to invest in SEO as their online visibility and reputation are strongly tied to what users see on results pages. After all, SEO is a game of patience and continuous improvement.

Hence, you should always go beyond the status quo and push the boundaries to create an online presence.

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